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Contact Us

Please fill out this form if you have any questions or want more information. Alternatively, you can request a call back, where someone from the team will ring you back and be happy to help.



Explorers Camp cares about your privacy and your trust is important to us. We are under the auspices of Gledholt Methodist Church and so our Privacy Notice explains how Local Churches, Circuits and Districts within the Methodist Church in Great Britain collect, use and protect your personal information. It also provides information about your rights and who to contact if you have any questions about how we use your information.


Click here to read our Privacy Notice online or download a PDF version here. A copy is also displayed at Gledholt Methodist Church, in the upstairs foyer next to the kitchen. For any queries regarding our privacy notice please complete an enquiry form via the website. It will be passed to the minister in charge of Gledholt, who will try to deal with these as a local point of contact.

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Forest camping
Explorers Camp HQ
Gledholt Methodist Church
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